Week 5

Ola todos!! I have been in the MTC for 5 weeks now! Like I said before, the time keeps on flying by super fast! This week was really good besides me having a cold lol, but I’m starting to feel better! We didn't have any new missionaries come into our zone this week, so that meant my comp and I had more TRC'S!! We have been teaching this girl named Mele and I have loved being able to teach her with my comp! She is super nice and speaks very fast BRAZILLIAN PORTUGUESE!! It's so hard to understand her lol because she pronounces everything differently than we do because we speak Continental Portuguese. I can understand half of what she says, but it still works out pretty good and she understands what we are trying to teach. We have been teaching her how important baptism is and having faith in God and how making and keeping covenants with him will bless us. We will always have the gift of the Holy Ghost if we endure to the end! The MTC is such a cool and fun place and I'm learning so much everyday. My favorite part of the MTC is being in class with my district and learning more about the gospel and Portuguese. My teacher showed us this talk from a BYU devotional last month and I gained some new insights on some topics that I wanted to share with all of you! The talk is called ''Stand Forever". It’s about how important it is to have faith during times of doubt and confusion. It's just such a powerful talk that really helped me learn how important the gospel is and how in this day and age there are so many challenges and deceptions in the world. It's honestly hard to be a member of the church rn but that doesn't mean we should give up or lose faith. One thing he said that I liked was this," I heard someone say recently, ’it's okay to have doubts’. I wonder about that. The Lord said,"look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not." I have a lot of questions; I don't have any doubts." Like elder Lawrence E.Corbridge I have A LOT OF QUESTIONS!! It's okay to have questions though, but what we need to do is find a way to answer these questions. The best way and the only way is through our savior Jesus Christ. We have the restored gospel on the earth today and we have the Book of Mormon. With any questions or concerns, I know that I can turn to the Lord and with faith and the gift of the Holy Ghost, I will receive revelation or an answer. We just gotta take the time to search, ponder, and pray. In Nephi 3 14:7 it says, " Ask, and it shall be given unto you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you". We all have the opportunity to do this, we all qualify for God's love no matter what-we just have to turn to Him. I promise all of you He will answer your prayers and give you peace and comfort with whatever you are going through! Hopefully next week I will be in Portugal and I’m so excited!! Tchau!


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