Bom Diaaaaa!

Bom diaaaaaa! Like all other missionaries, we are still in quarantine and can't leave our apartments, but we have plenty of food (had to wait for 2 hours to get our food ðŸ˜“) and our neighbor is letting us use their Wifi, so it could be worse! Also I have a new trainer Elder Bermudez. He is from Columbia and he is a stud. We are really different from each other, but I have been learning a lot from him and he is one of the most hardest working people I have met in my life. He is never not doing something and we have been able to stay pretty productive during this time. We have been using Facebook to teach and share the gospel and its been cool to see other missionaries and members do this. I don't like using Facebook that much, but its all we can do right now! I honestly haven't been that stressed out about all of this corona virus stuff. I've mostly been bored, but one thing that has been keeping me busy is reading conference talks! One talk that I read was by Elder Ucthdorf called, "A Summer with Great- Aunt Rose". It was about this girl who went to go live with her aunt during the summer because her mom was in the hospital. The girl didn't want to live with her aunt and she thought her aunt was some weird lady who lived by herself in the country. Her aunt never married and had some health problems, but still she was always happy and loved the gospel. After spending more time with her aunt, they built this wonderful friendship together and learned a lot from each other. One quote I liked from the talk was this, "There is enough that doesn’t go right in life, so anyone can work themselves into a puddle of pessimism and a mess of melancholy. But I know people who, even when things don’t work out, focus on the wonders and miracles of life. These folks are the happiest people I know.” After I read that I have been looking at this whole Corona Virus situation differently. I have found new ways to serve other people and I have been using my new free time to learn more about Christ and His gospel. I pray for all of you and I appreciate all of the love and support everyone has shown me. Remember to control the things you can control and trust God. Tchau! ðŸ˜„


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