Look Over Your Shoulder

Ola todos!!

Sorry I'm so bad at keeping you guys updated, but here is the update! So we were able to be out of quarantine for a week and work on the street again and it was HEAVEN!! But then the church sent out some thing saying that it was still too risky, so we are now back in quarantine lol 😅😪. Teaching and finding online is still going good. I haven't been able to contact my friend Artur for a while so that's a bummer. But we have been teaching this new guy, named Carlos, who is from London and he is so cool and progressing so much. He was a referral we recieved from a member when my comp and I both gave talks last sacrament meeting thru Zoom. This sister in our ward  really liked our talks and sent us Carlos’ info. He is from Portugal, but lives in London right now, but he will be coming back to Portugal in July he thinks, so hopefully we can meet him in person then! These past couple of weeks I have been really thinking about why I'm still here 😂. Being straight up -this is not how I expected and what I wanted my mission to be at all. It's been almost 3 months of mostly being inside in our apartments (not on Pdays -tho the AP's have a car so y'all ready know we going to Burger King and the beach🤪). Finding and teaching online is really hard for me. But the reason why I'm still here is because everytime I look over my shoulder and see all that I went through to get to this point of my life, this makes me want to keep going because it was the times when I was struggling that were the times I drew closer to God. So whatever you are going through right now just look over your shoulder and see where you've came from and know that you can keep going cause you already made it this far. To quote one of my favorite rappers Kendrick Lamar, "if God got us then we gon be alright". I love you all, pray for things to get better in the world. #Jesuslives #Blacklivesmatter 


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