Faith and Miracles

Olá Meus Queridos!! I don't know when was the last time I've written to all of you 😅. If any of you still read these posts I just wanna say thanks for being patient with me! A lot has changed recently in our mission... We received a new mission President and his family. A bunch of new missionaries from the states are starting to arrive. I have served most of my mission close to Lisbon and in the central part of Portugal. But this last transfer I was sent all the way up to the northern part of the country in a little town outside of Porto called São João da Maderia. It's such a cool little area with a lot of trees and a good view of the ocean. The northern part of Portugal is completely different from the central and southern part. The people are very hard to talk to and the culture is different. I was a little nervous when I got here, but I was excited to see what this new area and zone had to offer! This last transfer I had a very special experience with one of our ...